Puppies are put through 5 ENS exercises and exposed to a new scent daily on Days 3 thru 16
On or around week 8 to 9 of the puppies' lives, they are evaluated on 12 personality characteristics. We video these evaluations, load them to a private YouTube channel, and send to the clients on our reservation list for them to watch and use the puppies' score cards to create their "Puppy Short List" that they will use to narrow down the puppies they will choose from on Go-Home Day. We will answer any questions about these evaluation videos for clients in advance so that they have a clear picture of what type of dog would work best in their homes and with their lifestyles. Then clients select their puppy accordingly on GO-HOME DAY! Making a well informed, best match for them and for our puppies!
In order to be a certified BAB Puppy Evaluator a BAB Breeder must have not only read the Breeder Guide, taken the 5 week Mentorship Course, taken the 10 Hour Evaluator Course and passed the associated exam, then submit a filmed puppy evaluation and corresponding score card to the senior BAB Evaluators for review to determine if the evaluator candidate truly has mastered the skill of puppy evaluations. Jennifer has reached the highest level of recognition -- Tier II -- as a BAB Puppy Evaluator.