We are so excited to offer Golden Cavadoodles -- bringing in the cheerful balance of the Cavalier to our Incredible Goldendoodle Line
We are a program that has a heart for placing puppies in challenging placements including Facility and homes with family members with extra needs. In order to do this, we must be able to produce puppies that are going to thrive in those environments. We also want to be able to offer a smaller dog that can do this, hence bringing in the incredible temperament of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. We are hoping that with this additional line, we will have even more opportunity to help challenging placements AND also continue to provide outstanding companion home puppies as well. Stay Tuned! The first litter would be coming Fall of 2025 if Louie passes all of his health testing.
Here is what the American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club has to say about this beautiful breed:
The cavalier is a happy, gentle dog-not at all aggressive with either dogs or man. Indeed, many owners assert that “you cannot have just one!” He is biddable and very trainable-not only as a household pet, but also as a Therapy, Obedience, and Agility dog.